Introducing our new corporate strategy

Your home

This month, we’re launching our new corporate strategy 2023-30.

Developed with customers, it sets out our direction, priorities and how we’ll deliver these over the next few years.

Corporate strategy cover image

The strategy also introduces our new vision, which is to provide homes that people love to live in.

Our key priorities are:

  • Homes and neighbourhoods are safe, high quality and sustainable
  • Customer care: respond and resolve with respect
  • Development to meet housing needs
  • A strong, sustainable, and effective organisation.

You can view the corporate strategy and read more about the actions we’re taking on our website.

Ian Wardle, A2Dominion’s Chief Executive, said: “Since joining as A2Dominion’s new Chief Executive last year, I’ve been working with the board and colleagues across the organisation to identify where we need to do better and key areas to focus on for the future.

“Everyone at A2Dominion works hard to deliver a good service, and we use customer feedback to help us learn when we get things wrong. At times, we have fallen short of the high standards that our customers, and we ourselves, hold ourselves to and I would like to apologise to those affected.

“Earlier this year, we consulted with many of our customers about what should be the emphasis for our new corporate strategy and future priorities. What we’ve developed in our action plan is based on customer feedback, along with our own insight and research.”


More about our priorities


Customer safety

Our top priority is making and keeping your homes safe, particularly in relation to risks from fire, damp and mould. We will work to achieve high standards of repair and regeneration and continue to improvement sustainability to make homes more effective, efficient and more affordable to heat.


Better services

We know that you want and need better information, stronger service delivery and more reliable responses from us. Across all our services, we will improve our speed, quality, responsiveness, consistency, and use of feedback.

As part of this, customers will have stronger involvement in our work, better visibility of our performance, a clearer oversight of our achievements and a louder voice in what we do.


Building new homes

The UK is facing a housing shortage with a particular need for affordable homes and secure places to live. We want to deliver as many new or refurbished homes as we can, based on the resources we have available. We will grow and diversify the homes we offer to existing and new customers, with those for private sale generating cash for more homes for affordable rent.


A strong and sustainable organisation

In common with the whole housing sector, we face significant challenges. Our operation has become complex and our costs have been growing faster than our income. We will  ensure a sustainable and secure financial model. We will provide a value for money service, maximise our social impact and look at new income streams to grow what we offer for our customers.


Consultation with our customers

As mentioned above, last year, around 400 customers gave us their feedback on where we need to improve our services.

Based on the feedback we received, these were the priority areas identified for improvement:

  • Faster response times to your questions, complaints and repairs
  • Fewer visits to get repairs and problems sorted
  • Better cleaning of communal areas
  • Making it easier to speak to the right person
  • Improving neighbourhoods and dealing with anti-social behaviour
  • Providing value for money

Along with other research and data, we used this insight to help shape our new corporate strategy.

Some of the changes we need to make are underway with more planned.  Some improvements will have an impact quickly while others are going to take us longer to achieve which is why we will be monitoring progress and keeping in touch.

A2Dominion has so much potential to do more for you and we are all committed to doing what we need to.


Read the corporate strategy

You can read the full corporate strategy document or view our corporate strategy page on the website.