Our strategy

In 2023 we launched our new corporate strategy. This is our roadmap setting out how we’ll achieve our vision between now to 2030.

Developed in consultation with our customers, colleagues and stakeholders, we have identified four priority areas:

  • Homes and neighbourhoods that are safe, high quality and sustainable

  • Customer care: responding and resolving with respect

  • Developing new homes to meet customers' needs

  • A strong, sustainable and effective organisation

You can read our corporate strategy in full.

Our vision, values and strategy

Our vision is to provide homes that our customers love to live in. The values which underpin everything we do are:

  • Caring by nature: we put people at the heart of everything we do.

  • Working better together: we collaborate and create opportunities to innovate and improve.

  • Thinking for the future: we understand and anticipate long term needs and expectations. We take care to manage the lasting impact we have on everything around us.