A2Dominion’s response to the regulator on damp and mould

Your home

In November 2022, the Regulator of Social Housing wrote to larger social housing providers, including A2Dominion, asking us to provide information on damp and mould in our homes

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The tragic death of Awaab Ishak from Rochdale in 2020 was a defining moment for the housing sector.

At A2Dominion, we take damp and mould issues seriously and want to prevent such an incident from ever happening again.

In November 2022, the Regulator of Social Housing wrote to chief executives of larger social housing providers – including A2Dominion’s – to ask for assurance on what we’re doing to address risks relating to damp and mould in our homes.

You can read a summary of our response to the Regulator, which captures our approach to addressing issues, supporting our customers, and improving the way we work.

Support for customers

If you’re currently experiencing an issue with damp or mould in your home, please get in touch so we can help.
We’ve got lots of useful information on our website: