We stand together in the fight to make ours a fairer society


“We are an organisation with a strong social purpose, and equality, fairness and caring for others is at the very heart of what we do. I would like to reiterate our commitment to diversity and inclusion and to highlight the important issues raised by our colleagues and the Black Lives Matter movement.”

Darrell Mercer, Chief Executive of A2Dominion.

Equality for all

“Like most people in this country I have been watching the news following the shocking death of George Floyd and the protests that have swept across the US, the UK and rest of the world. Sadly, this is only one of many events in a long history of violence and racism against Black people. 

Our contribution

“This is an important ethical and moral issue that I personally feel very strongly about. It is important that we all take action to tackle any forms of discrimination in any setting and I recognise that we, A2Dominion, can make a positive contribution to this. It is important that we provide a level playing field for everyone by addressing inequalities in our business and the communities we support.

Our promise

“With this in mind, our Diversity & Inclusion Steering Board, of which I am Chair, has identified a number of additional initiatives it will focus on this year. This includes training, our recruitment process and other measures we can take to increase opportunities for people from a wide range of backgrounds, recognising that we can gain enormously from diversity. In addition, our staff-led advocacy group will continue to champion diversity in our organisation and I will actively engage with the issues they raise.

Working with the G15

“The G15 is an organisation of the largest housing associations in and around Greater London in the United Kingdom, which collectively are responsible for managing around 600,000 homes in London. To further reinforce our commitment to diversity, inclusion and equality, my colleagues and I in the G15 signed a pledge earlier this year to help ensure our organisations better reflect the communities in which we work, particularly at senior managerial, leadership and board levels. There is still lots for us to do but we have already made good progress and will continue to do so.”