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Lockdown might be ending this week, but we still need to work together to minimise the spread of Covid-19. That’s why we recommend downloading the NHS Test and Trace App.

NHS test and trace

What is NHS Test and Trace?

The NHS Test and Trace system aims to control the rate of reproduction and reduce the overall spread of Covid-19. You can find out more about NHS Test and Trace on the UK Government website.

How does it work?

If you’ve been in contact with someone who has tested positive for the virus, the NHS will let you know using the test and trace service. This alert usually comes by text, email or phone call. You must follow the advice from service and quickly share information about anyone you have been in contact with.

Why should I download the app?

By downloading the Test and Trace App you’re helping yourself, your family and your community. The test and trace system only works if we all work together. The safety of our staff and customers is our main priority, so we’re encouraging everyone to download the app.

How do I use the app?

To download the app simply go into the app store on your phone, search for NHS Covid-19 then download it. It should only take a minute or so. Once you’ve downloaded the app, you should leave it on as much as possible. The only time you should pause the contact tracing feature is when your phone is not on you in person. You can do this by moving the contact tracing toggle on the home screen.

What is A2Dominion doing to help?

We’ve made a range of changes to keep everyone as safe as possible:

  1. Our staff are working from home unless the nature of their work means they must be onsite. We’ve been doing this for a while now with minimal disruption to our services to you.
  2. Where our staff need to be in an office or onsite they have been advised to follow government guidelines to make sure they are working safely. We have also published a new office guide with everything our staff need to know.
  3. We recently introduced QR codes in all our buildings. A QR code is a Quick Response barcode that can be read quickly by your mobile phone. This is in line with government guidance to make our buildings Covid-secure.
  4. We’ve instructed our staff to download the NHS Test and Trace App before visiting any of our buildings and scan the QR codes on arrival. This way they will be notified if they come into contact with anyone who may have Covid-19.
  5. We’ve asked our customers in shared accommodation to download the NHS Test and Trace App and scan QR codes on arrival. This includes our student and keyworker accommodation residents.
  6. We’ve closed communal spaces in our Care & Support services such as kitchens and shared living areas. We have taken this approach to protect our most at-risk customers.

Thanks for your help

Thanks for helping us keep our staff, customers and communities safe. We can’t do it without you! Visit our dedicated coronavirus help page for everything you need to know about coronavirus and our services.