Coronavirus update: office closures


Following the government’s advice, A2Dominion’s main offices – Ealing, Staines, Oxford and Winchester - are closed to the public until further notice.

Coronavirus office closures

It is likely that more offices will close shortly. We will provide regular updates via our website and social media channels.

Why are our offices closing?

We are closing offices to ensure we are making every effort to minimise the spread of coronavirus. As always, the health and wellbeing of our staff and customers is our top priority.

We are monitoring the situation closely and will keep our customers up to date on any changes to our offices and services, whether short- or long-term.

Access to services

Our Customer Contact Centre remains open for business, and they will be able to help you with any services you would normally visit our office for.

We also offer a range of online services that you can access using a computer or your mobile phone including:

  • Requesting repairs
  • Reporting antisocial behaviour
  • Updating your details.

Our online customer help section also has a wealth of information on a range of topics which may affect you as an A2Dominion customer.

So there’s no shortage of ways you can access our services from the comfort of your own home.

What if I can’t get online?

If you can’t get access to our website and would normally visit one of our offices please:

  • Write down your name, address, your concern or query and a way to contact you
  • Post your enquiry through the letterbox at our office and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
  • If there is no letterbox please contact us via phone.

What if I’m vulnerable?

We are streamlining and prioritising our in-home services, to ensure we can offer essential support to our customers who need it most. We know, for example, that some of our care and support customers rely on us for their most basic needs such as personal care and food, so we are prioritising them by implementing a range of measures. If you are a vulnerable person, please contact us to talk about your needs.

Stay up to date

We are monitoring the situation closely and will keep our customers up to date on any changes to our services.

Coronavirus and you

If you have coronavirus, suspect you have coronavirus, or are self-isolating and are expecting a home visit or repair, please contact us in advance so we can make alternative arrangements. Let us know.

Read the latest information about coronavirus from A2Dominion.

Read all our coronavirus-related news.