Cosying up for winter

Your home

What does winter mean for you? Movie marathons and hot chocolates? Or maybe long baths and early nights under a warm duvet.

Cosying up for winter

Either way, it’s time to embrace the cooler weather and shorter days as we move into winter. We’ve put together some tips to help you prepare your home.

Wet-proof your windows

If you notice condensation on your windows in the colder months, make sure you wipe it off to prevent mould growing.

Open your windows very slightly to let in some fresh air - ventilation will help prevent moisture build up.

If you have vents on your windows, leave them open throughout the winter to reduce the amount of condensation. You won’t loose much heat by doing this.

Safely handle your heaters

Make sure that you don’t use electric heaters to dry clothes on as there’s a high risk they could catch fire.

If you use portable heaters for warmth, ensure there’s enough space around them and no flammable items nearby. Also turn them off before bed! Try setting a reminder so you don’t forget.

Ignite your fire habits

Please don’t leave candles unattended in your home.

Always use a fire guard when using your fireplace. Stray sparks can easily start a house fire in just moments.

Turn off your electric blanket before going to bed unless it has a thermostat control for safe all-night use.

Save energy and money

Make sure your boiler is serviced so that it’s in the best condition and will keep running when those temperatures really dip.

Bleed your radiators as this will make sure your heating is as efficient and as effective as possible. This means you’ll save money and energy.

Switch to LED bulbs to help you save money. They last a lot longer and are more efficient.

Care for your community

If you have flu symptoms, please let us know so we can reschedule any repairs you may have booked in. Simply give us a call or fill in the form on our website. Help us keep you, your family, community and our staff safe.                                   

Visit the coronavirus page of our website to find out everything you need to know about how we’re delivering our services at the moment.