£360,000 National Lottery boost to support hundreds of young people in Spelthorne and Winchester

28 March 2025 - Communities
We’ve secured £360,000 from the National Lottery Community Fund to expand our under 30s service, which helps young people manage their finances and improve their wellbeing.

We’ve been running the service since 2022. It supports social housing tenants, aged 18-30, who are often at risk of homelessness We offer help with budgeting, skills development and tenancy advice.   

The National Lottery funding will enable us to extend our under 30s project to Winchester, supporting more than 500 young people over the next 3 years. We are recruiting for an 18-30s Specialist Tenancy Sustainment and Welfare Officer in Winchester and expect this service to run from 1 May 2025. 

Dawn Wightman, A2Dominion’s Director of Customer and Communities, said:  
“We’re grateful for the funding from the National Lottery, which allows us to support our younger customers with things like budgeting, household bills and opportunities to upskill or find employment.  

“Younger residents often have less experience managing their tenancies and finances, and many have been hit harder by rises to the cost of living. We want to help by giving them the knowledge and tools they need to be independent in their own homes.” 

Impact so far 

  • 330 young people supported 

  • 2,053 one-on-one support sessions delivered 

  • £549,029 in added social value for Spelthorne 

Supporting our young customer to get funding and stay in her home 

Spelthorne Council referred Miss C to our Under 30s Project as she was at risk of homelessness due to rent arrears and other debts. 

As she is under 25, she receives lower benefits and was hit by the benefit cap due to high rent costs, leaving her struggling to pay rent, bills, and buy food. 

Raycyne Cummings, our Specialist Under 30s Tenancy Sustainment Officer helped her apply for benefits, including PIP and the Discretionary Housing Payment, which meant she cleared her rent arrears and was no longer affected by the rent cap. Miss C also received supermarket and energy vouchers, and Raycyne arranged mental health support for her. Raycyne also helped her get support to pay off her Council Tax debt, enabling her to renew her tenancy and keep her home. In total the support Miss C received increased her monthly income by over £900. 

Raycyne  has provided ongoing support to Miss C, and said: “Without this support, Miss C would have faced eviction and homelessness with her two children, aged 4 and 1. 

“The Under 30s project doesn’t just prevent homelessness—it also tackles the client’s overall financial situation to help them achieve a better quality of life.” 

The project 

The programme offers social housing tenants aged 18-30 in Spelthorne and Winchester: 

  • Financial support with household bills and budgeting 

  • Pre-tenancy and early tenancy guidance 

  • Access to local services, including employment support, grants, charity funding, education, and wellbeing advice 

If you are under 30, living in social housing in Spelthorne or Winchester and need support with budgeting, jobs, or wellbeing you can email money.matters@a2dominion.co.uk for advice.