Our employment programme supports customer to secure first UK job

Meenakshi Yadav, who is an A2Dominion customer, was given a tailored support plan to help her find her first UK-based job as a care worker.

Headshot of customer we supported through the pathways employment programme

The 39-year-old reached out for employment advice after seeing our Pathways Programme flyer and was put in touch with Yasmeen Ali, who is one of our dedicated Employment Advisors.

The Pathways Programme gives one-to-one tailored employment support to our customers who may be finding it difficult to get back into work.

Over four weeks, Meenakshi had one-to-one sessions with Yasmeen, covering: 

  • CV writing
  • Interview skills and conducting mock interviews
  • Support with job searching.

Together they drew up a plan to help overcome some of the challenges Meenakshi was facing, which included building up her confidence. 

Meenakshi was invited to a job fair in Wembley and with the support of Yasmeen, she registered her interest with a care home company. 

After completing training and the necessary checks, Meenakshi was successful in securing a job as a Home Care Worker. 

Meenakshi said: “My journey on the Pathways Programme was excellent. Yasmeen helped a lot with my motivation and confidence.

“The guidance and interview support that Yasmeen gave me helped me feel confident, and I was able to go to interviews without feeling anxious. 

“Yasmeen is a very good employment advisor. She taught me how to increase my knowledge, confidence and motivation. My new role has given me even more confidence and I am happy to be working for the first time in the UK.”

How can our Pathways Programme help you?

Our Pathways Programme is open to all A2Dominion customers and is a free employment service to help you get back into work. 

The programme offers: 

  • A boost to confidence and motivation 
  • A personalised employment support plan 
  • Support for CVs, cover letters and interview skills 
  • Regular catchups with an employment advisor 
  • Access to training and employment opportunities. 

If you are struggling with finding a job, get in touch with our team.