A message from our Chief Executive

Your home

Dear Customer,

Re: Our plans for improvement

I’m writing to introduce myself and share an update on our priorities for improving the services we deliver to you.

I was appointed as A2Dominion’s new Chief Executive last year. Since joining, I’ve been working with the board and colleagues across the organisation to identify where we need to do better and key areas to focus on for the future.

Everyone at A2Dominion works hard to deliver a good service, and we use customer feedback to help us learn when we get things wrong.

At times, we have fallen short of the high standards that our customers, and we ourselves, hold ourselves to and I would like to apologise to those who have been affected.


Your feedback

Earlier this year, we consulted with many of you on what you thought should be the emphasis for our new corporate strategy and future priorities. What we’ve developed in our action plan is based on your feedback, along with our own insight and research.

The areas you’ve asked us to focus on include:

  • Responding to your queries more quickly, and without you needing to chase us
  • Delivering repairs faster, and taking fewer visits to your home to fix issues
  • Resolving your complaints more quickly
  • Improving how we deal with antisocial behaviour
  • Maintaining communal areas to a better standard
  • Delivering better value for money.

Going forward, we know we need to:

  • Get the basics right. To help us with this, we need to hold better information on your homes to manage them more effectively.
  • Put our customers first and listen to you more
  • Change our ways of working so that we don’t pass problems on but find ways to solve them quickly and effectively.

Our priorities

In our new corporate strategy, which we’ve launched this month, we’ve identified four key priorities to meet the needs of our customers, to satisfy new and emerging requirements from our regulator and to be an effective and sustainable organisation.

Our four key priorities are:


Homes and neighbourhoods are safe, high quality and sustainable

Our top priority is making and keeping your home safe, particularly in relation to risks from fire, damp and mould. To achieve this, we will:

  • Deliver a continuous programme of improving our homes
  • Improve the data we hold about our homes, and our systems, so we can manage them more effectively
  • Speed up the redevelopment of some of our homes and estates.


Customer care: respond and resolve with respect

We know you need a better customer service and more reliable responses from us. We want to create and maintain stronger relationships with you.

To achieve this, we will involve customers more in our decision making, update our service standards, improve our complaints process and make it easier for you to solve your questions and transact with us online.


Development to meet housing needs

We’re committed to building affordable and social housing for people who need them most and in communities where there is high demand, especially in London.


A strong, sustainable, and effective organisation

We want to make sure we’re financially secure in the long term, while offering you value for money.

Some of the changes we need to make are underway with more planned. Some improvements will have an impact quickly while others are going to take us longer to achieve which is why we will be monitoring progress and keeping in touch.

A2Dominion has so much potential to do more and we are all committed to doing what we need to.


More information

We’ve published our new Corporate Strategy on our website. Take a look to find out about the actions we’re taking to achieve these goals. Please visit our corporate strategy page or, to request a printed copy, please call us on 0800 432 0077.

If you’d like to give any feedback on our priorities, please call our Customer Contact Centre on the number above.

We look forward to involving our customers and continuing to listen to your feedback as we work to improve our services for you.

Thank you for taking the time to read this update.

Best wishes,

Ian Wardle

Chief Executive
