Are you having a Jubilee party? Check out these top tips


Many of us are getting excited for the long bank holiday weekend later this month. You might even be planning events and parties to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. We’ve put together a few tips to keep your festivities simple and safe.

Platinum Jubilee

Keep being a good neighbour

Please remember to be considerate of your neighbours while you’re celebrating. If you’re planning to have a gathering, it’s good to let your neighbours know and try to finish at a reasonable time. We’ll all get a better night’s sleep if we observe quiet time after 11pm.

If you’re concerned about something your neighbour is doing, try and have a friendly conversation as a first step. To help you talk to your neighbours, you can use our good neighbour card. Simply complete it, then pop it into your neighbour’s letter box or under their door. If you don't have a printer, please speak to your Housing or Neighbourhood Officer and they will be happy to provide you with a card to fill out.

Don’t forget the after party

Whether you’re having a few friends over or hosting a bigger event, there is likely to be extra rubbish to throw away. It’s so important that you put rubbish and recyclables inside the bins provided. Larger items won’t be collected by your local authority with your general waste, which means you’ll need to make special arrangements with your local council for their collection.

Leaving black bags and other items around the bin may also result in missed waste collections, and unwanted pests. It can also result in service charge increases to cover the cost of waste removal. If you witness any fly-tipping, please contact us so we can investigate.

Hosting a bigger event?

If you happen to be hosting a bigger get-together, we’ll need some extra information from you. This includes a risk assessment for your event, sent to us before the big day, to make sure our building insurance covers it. You simply need to map out the activities that you have planned, who you’ve invited, accessibility or access for people attending, whether you’re erecting any structures, how you’re securing any cash if you’re selling goods, and so on.

You’ll also need to monitor and inspect anything that might have come up in your risk assessment. This could include crowd management, hygiene facilities or even trailing extension cables. For events where goods and services are being sold, you’ll need to see your vendor’s insurance beforehand for things like food hygiene or activities such as a bouncy castle.

More information

There is plenty of useful information online to help you organise your Jubilee get together or event, including:

Whatever you end up doing, have a lovely bank holiday weekend. Fingers crossed for good weather!