Building safety: we’re in it together

Your home

Keeping you and your community safe is our top priority. But we need your support to make it happen. How can you help? It’s easy.

Be safe together

1. Know your exit

Do you know where your closest (primary) exit is? What about a back-up or secondary exit if your closest one is blocked? And have you thought about your evacuation route? If not, it’s time to get to know your building a little better and map out what you would do in an emergency situation.

2. Keep it clear

Shared areas such as hallways and courtyards are critical in an emergency situation. That’s why we have a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to storing or leaving items in these areas. This includes buggies and bicycles in stairwells, doormats and personal items in riser cupboards. We don’t want anything to prevent you and your family from evacuating the building in an emergency or hinder firefighters from doing their job.

3. Secure your building

Please keep all security doors and any unoccupied areas such as bin rooms and storage cupboards closed. This will make sure unauthorised visitors to your home or building cannot enter.

4. If in doubt, get out

Did you know that in most cases where there is a fire – unless the fire is inside your home – you will be safest ‘staying put’? But it’s important to know whether the evacuation policy for your building is ‘stay put’ or ‘evacuate’, and there is one, golden rule - if in doubt, get out.

5. Talk to us

If you notice any doors which are not operating correctly or show signs of arson or vandalism, please get in touch with us so we can address any issues. If we’re not aware of it, we don’t know to fix it.

Thank you for your help to make sure your building is a safe place to live.

Further information

Find out more about building and fire safety

How can I keep my home secure?

How do I report anti-social behaviour?