We’re all spending more time at home at the moment, so you might be more likely to notice if something seems out of the ordinary. You can help us crack down on tenancy fraudsters by looking out for some of the most common signs of illegal subletting.
What are the signs I should look out for?
There are various signs you can look out for, but the main ones are:
- People moving in and out of a property more often than normal
- There seem to be a lot of people living there
- You see someone collecting rent from neighbours
- Neighbours don’t know when the rubbish is collected
Why is this a problem?
We have a limited amount of homes to let and these are prioritised according to housing needs. The current lack of affordable housing means that some people may wait for years for an offer of accommodation. Tenancy fraud reduces the availability of social housing at a time of extreme demand.
Our success stories – what happens when we suspect people of tenancy fraud?
When we do catch people in the act there are consequences, including being taken to court. Below are some recent examples of tenancy fraudsters that we’ve caught and put a stop to:
At a property in Brindley Court, Stanmore one of our tenants was subletting their home using AirBnB. We went through the court process and were awarded suspended possession with the tenant being responsible for all court costs, which totalled £3,000.
At a property in High Street, Orpington a tenant was subletting after advertising in local shops, and the occupant was not aware that the property belonged to A2Dominion and was paying rent to the tenant. We went to court and were awarded a £3,600 unlawful profit order and the property was handed back to us.
What does our Housing Services team have to say?
Kathy Riley, Anti-Social Behaviour Manager, said:
“Certain tenants living in social housing may be committing a criminal offence if they sublet their home without our permission or by going against what it says in their tenancy agreement. There are serious consequences for illegal subletting of social housing because as well as the risk of being prosecuted under criminal law, you could also lose your home.
“If you think you know someone subletting our homes, please get in touch with us to let us know.”
How can I let you know if I think someone is subletting?
Simply complete our online form if you think someone is illegally subletting their home. If you prefer, you can choose to remain anonymous when you complete the form.