Our customer annual report 2020-21

Your home

Every year we update you on how we’re performing against our targets and what we’re doing to improve our service to you.

CAR 2020-21

We don’t want to just build properties; we want to support our communities and the people who live in them. Over the last year, we focused on maintaining that support and our services, while keeping everyone safe.

So how did we do? Find out in our Customer annual report 2020-21, including information on how we’re:

  • Putting you first; we kept our repairs service going throughout the lockdowns in 2020 and changed how we work to make sure we could continue our services safely.
  • Helping you stay connected, by offering our community events and programmes online.
  • Keeping you safe, through independent inspections of tall buildings and our dedicated programme that’s investing millions of pounds in fire safety improvements
  • Making it easier to deal with us, by introducing a new performance measure to help us understand how easy it is to deal with us, and identify what we could do better.

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