Good news! We’re making tenancies more secure

Your home

We want to make life easier and for you to feel secure in your home. That’s why, wherever possible, we’re changing fixed-term tenancies to assured tenancies. Read on to find out more, including whether you’re eligible.

Assured tenancies

Who is eligible for the change?

Wherever possible, we’re offering our general needs customers greater stability and security through assured rather than fixed-term tenancies. You should be eligible for this change if:

  • You’re an existing, general needs A2Dominion customer
  • Your rent account is fully up to date
  • You do not have any tenancy enforcement actions outstanding against you (e.g. legal notices or impending possession proceedings)

We will aim to review our fixed-term tenancies over the course of the next 3-6 months and – if you are eligible – you will receive a letter from us.

Please note that if you live in keyworker, care and support or intermediate rental properties you are not eligible for this change.

What is a fixed-term (shorthold) tenancy?

At the moment some of you have a fixed-term (shorthold) tenancy agreement for your home. With this type of tenancy agreement, we need to frequently renew it when it comes to an end – or you can choose to end your tenancy once the agreement comes to an end.

What is an assured (non-shorthold) tenancy?

An assured (non-shorthold) tenancy is an ongoing tenancy agreement that does not need to be renewed. With an assured tenancy you can still choose to end your tenancy at a time that suits you, as long as you provide the notice period included in your assured (shorthold) agreement.

Why are we changing tenancy agreements?

Wherever possible, we’ve decided to change your fixed-term tenancies to assured tenancies if you’re a general needs customer. We’re doing this because:

  • We want you to feel settled and secure in your home, without worrying or wondering about whether your tenancy will come to an end when the fixed term ends
  • An assured tenancy gives you more security
  • Less paperwork means we have more time to focus on improving our services to you

Will anything else change?

Nothing else about your tenancy agreement will change.

  • The amount of rent you pay will remain the same, until the next rent increase is due. When that time comes, rent and service charges will increase or decrease in the normal way.
  • Our responsibilities to you as a landlord - and your responsibilities as a tenant – will all stay the same. If you want to move out of your home at any time, the assured tenancy will not change your right to do this. All you need to do is provide the notice period detailed in your tenancy agreement.

What happens next?

We are currently working through and reviewing all our fixed-term tenancies for general needs residents. If you qualify for the change to an assured tenancy you’ll receive a letter and conversion document shortly. This letter is the legal document we must use to change your tenancy from fixed term to assured. You won’t need to do anything when you receive the paperwork – we’ll simply update our systems to show that you now have an assured tenancy.

Questions and further information

If you have any questions about all of this, please get in touch with our customer service centre on 0800 432 0077 or email