Elmsbrook community updates


Find the latest updates for A2Dominion residents in Elmsbrook.

Elmsbrook community

Infrastructure updates

Elmsbrook café

We're currently tendering for a new Elmsbrook café provider and have recently interviewed shortlisted applicants. We hope to have a grand opening in 2022.

Works to the bridge in phase 2

We’re sorry that we haven’t been able to complete the bridge cladding works on phase 2 as quickly as we had hoped. It took us longer than expected to award the contract for the work due to Covid-19 but work will commence in the new year.

The bridge will be closed during the works and we will return to the temporary bus route. We will also suspend the bus lane between phases 2 and 3 to give residents access to their homes.

Drainage works

Thank you for your patience during the recent drainage works which we understand have caused disruption. As the works are dependent on weather conditions, the next phase will begin in spring 2021.

We’ll be providing regular updates on all the above via our new digital noticeboards and on this webpage.

Community Forest School latest

Thanks to all of you who returned your questionnaires for the Community Forest School consultation, which closed in November. We’ve had a great response from residents who are excited about seeing this new addition to the community.

Local architect, Applied Landscape Design, has kindly offered their services free of charge to assist with the design and development of the school and we’re now working with them to draw up detailed plans that take into account your views. We’ll submit these to Cherwell District Council for final approval shortly and hope to start work in the New Year.

A number of you said you’d like to come along to a Forest School taster session which we hope to organise early next year.

Community noticeboards

We’ll be installing digital noticeboards next to the parks on phase 1 and phase 3 in early 2021. Keep an eye out for them as they’ll play an important role in how we keep you informed about what’s going on in your community.

Gagle Brook Primary School admissions

Gagle Brook school are offering online visits to share the school environment with prospective parents looking for a place for their child in September 2021.

The admission process and tours of the school are all outlined on the school website.