Coronavirus update: our staffing arrangements and services


Following the UK Government’s announcement yesterday, A2Dominion staff will continue to make every effort to minimise the risk of contracting and/or spreading coronavirus.

Coronavirus advice

Following the UK Government’s announcement yesterday, A2Dominion staff will continue to make every effort to minimise the risk of contracting and/or spreading coronavirus.

What does this mean for staffing arrangements?

Following advice from the UK Government, A2Dominion staff will work from home where possible. Our planning, training and technology allow us to work remotely using secure systems, and we aim to maintain business as usual as much as possible.

How will this affect A2Dominion’s services?

Where we need to, we will streamline and prioritise to ensure we can offer essential services to our customers who need it most. Often this will simply mean a different approach to how we do things. We will maintain all services as much as we possibly can.

What about home visits?

We know some of our customers rely on us for their most basic needs, including medical care and food. We want to reassure you that:

  • We will prioritise these and other essential services such as urgent repairs.
  • Our staff have been fully briefed about minimising risk of contracting and/or spreading the virus, including use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and hand sanitiser.
  • We are closely monitoring cases of coronavirus and self-isolation across our homes and schemes and will adapt our approach to minimise the risk of contracting and/or spreading the virus.
  • You can help, by minimising face-to face contact with our staff. Please avoid visits to site receptions, for example, and contact us if you have a confirmed case or are self-isolating.

Contact us:

To help us continue providing our services effectively and safely, please contact us if:

  • You have a confirmed case of coronavirus
  • Your doctor has told you to self-isolate.

If you need to contact us about something that isn’t urgent, please wait. We’re sure you understand this is a busy time.

Concerned you have coronavirus?

Please contact the 111online coronavirus service immediately if you think you have symptoms of coronavirus. Do not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital. You can find more information and the latest advice about coronavirus on the UK Government website, NHS website, and Public Health England website.

Next steps

We understand this is a challenging, uncertain time. We will continue to update you regularly about:

  • How we are managing the situation
  • Any changes to the services we provide and how we provide them
  • Who to contact for advice and support about coronavirus
  • Who to contact for advice and support about our services

Keep an eye on our website for more information and updates.

Read the latest information about coronavirus from A2Dominion.

Read all our coronavirus-related news.