Milford Lodge, Godalming

Pilgrim Court, Milford Lodge, Godalming, GU8 5JU
  • Milford Lodge outside
  • Milford Lodge grounds
  • Milford Lodge outside
  • Milford Lodge grounds
Key Information
Available Now
  • From £602.21 PCM

  • 1 and 2 bedroom apartments for young parents and young people facing homelessness

Who can apply
Supported housing

To live in our supported housing you'll need to either be a young person or couple aged 16 to 25, at least six months’ pregnant or have a child that is up to 5 years old, and/or 18 or older and considered by Waverley Borough Council to have a support need. You’ll also need to agree to take part in regular support sessions.

Next steps

Click the button below to register with Waverley Borough Council’s Housing Options team

If you prefer you can call our Specialist Housing team on 0800 432 0077.