Bramlings House is a supported housing scheme for vulnerable young people, including young parents. Staffed 7.30-8pm. We have 12 single en-suite rooms, which share a lounge and kitchen, and 13 self-contained 1 bedroom apartments.
Bramlings House is close to local shops and about a 15 minute walk from Newbury town centre and the railway station.
Support for all young people
Our support team is here to help you achieve what you want from life. You will have to attend regular sessions with a key worker, and we will support you with things like:
Budgeting, managing debts and accessing benefits
Getting a job or getting back into education
Connecting with people
Reconnecting with your family
Managing your mental health
Tackling drug or alcohol addiction
Learning everyday skills like cooking
We will also liaise with the local authority and the Social Care team and connect you to other organisations that can give you the support you need.
Support for young parents and children
You and your child can take part in regular activities, such as:
You will also be able to get support from our specialist team. They are trained in safeguarding and in tools and techniques such as the Parenting Puzzle and The Freedom Programme (a programme to support people who have experienced domestic abuse). Each resident gets an individual programme of support.
Moving on
You will be able to stay at Bramlings House for up to two years. We will then help you find a new home.