Watch our video for tips on how to stay safe from fire in your home

14 March 2024 - local
We’ve launched a fire safety video which includes helpful tips to follow to stay safe from fire in your home.

We’ve looked at everyday scenarios where fires often start in homes to shape our advice that you can follow to help stay safe from fire.  

Watch our video for tips on: 

  • Testing smoke alarms 

  • Preventing kitchen fires

  • Using electrical sockets safety

  • Keeping balconies clear 

  • What to do if there’s a fire in your building.

Whether you live in one of our tall buildings, a low-rise flat, or a house, there’s a tip to stay safe from fire for you in our animation.

A2Dominion’s Head of Building and Fire Safety, Saleh Mirza said: “We’re committed to making sure our buildings are as safe as they can be from fire. 

“We hope that you find our fire safety video useful and that these tips will help keep you, and your neighbours, safe from fire.”

Find out more about fire safety 

We have lots of information about keeping your home safe from fire on our building and fire safety page.