Welcome to your Customer Annual Report 2022/23.
Every year, we produce this report to share how we’ve been performing against the standards you can expect from us.
We want to be open with you about where we’re meeting our targets and where we need to improve. You can find out how we’ve been doing with repairs, fire and building safety, customer service, housing management and more.
We’re continually investing in delivering improvements to the homes we manage. This includes upgrading bathrooms and kitchens, major works such as roofs, redecorating homes and installing aids and adaptations for those of you who need them.
In 2022/23, we spent £56.7m on improvements, major works and aids and adaptations.
We completed improvements to more than 3,000 homes, installing 338 kitchens and 276 bathrooms, replacing 578 doors, 486 windows and 84 roofs. You gave us a 95% customer satisfaction score for these works.
We completed 80% of the works that we’d planned to deliver.
Last year, 99.87% of our homes met the Decent Homes Standard. There were 26 homes remaining that needed work, with these either within a programme of works or where residents have declined the improvement works.
We’re working hard to improve the sustainability of our homes, to make them warmer and more affordable to run.
In 2022/23 we spent £700,000 on reducing carbon emissions. We did this through upgrading heating systems and installing wall and loft insulation in many of our customers’ homes. This continues to be a priority for us. We’ve allocated £1.7m to deliver further works in 2023/24.
Last year, we produced 2.05 tonnes of CO2-emissions per home, against a target of 2.024. We’ve got a target for all homes to be EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) rated C and above by 2023.
If you rent a home from us, the rent you pay covers a range of costs involved in maintain in your home and building, and for services provided including repairs and buildings insurance.