Over the last year, we’ve made progress in a number of areas, with changes to our repairs service and improvements to how we manage damp and mould, anti-social behaviour and complaints.
We’ve also provided support to thousands of customers, including those experiencing financial difficulties, homelessness and domestic abuse.
However, we recognise there’s still more work to do to improve and deliver services to the standards you expect and deserve from us.
To achieve this, we’ve put in place robust improvement plans that cover repairs, complaints and how we respond to and manage your enquires.
In 2023/24, we:
Recorded an average customer satisfaction score with our repairs, complaints and customer contact centre services of 78% (target: 82%). This was the score you gave us when surveyed after using one of these services
Expanded our range of customer feedback measures with the introduction of the Tenant Satisfaction Measures, developed by the Regulator of Social Housing. Overall satisfaction from social and affordable rent customers was 58%
Continued to invest in supporting customers and community projects, which together these had an impact on local neighbourhoods worth £12.3m (known as social value*)
Invested £38m in fire safety works
Helped 2,245 customers to access £9.7m in financial support
Built almost 700 new homes, of which 329 were affordable
Delivered 95,000 repairs in customers’ homes.
Ian Wardle, A2Dominion’s Chief Executive Officer, said: “Last year saw the beginning important changes at A2Dominion. Having listened to your feedback, we knew we hadn’t been performing to the standards you expect and deserve.
“We started working with customers more to develop plans for improving your services and shaping future priorities. We’re making progress, and while we recognise there’s still lots to do, we’re determined to get there.
“We’re focusing on responding to your enquiries more quickly, delivering a faster and better-quality repairs service, and tackling damp and mould and anti-social behaviour more effectively.
“We’re also working to increase your satisfaction with how we resolve your complaints and getting more customers involved in shaping our services.
“We have a clear plan of improvement over the next 2 to 3 years. We are committed to building stronger foundations and doing better for you.”
Read the annual report
Read the full report and find out more about our performance here.
Watch this short video from our Chief Executive Officer, Ian Wardle, who shares an update on how we’ve performed over the last year. He explains what improvements we’re making and sets out our future plans.
Customer Annual Report 2024 video
Give us your feedback
We’d love to know what you think of your Customer Annual Report.
Please complete our short online feedback form by Friday 8 November 2024 for your chance to win one of three £25 shopping vouchers.**.
To give your feedback over the phone, please call our Customer Contact Centre on 0800 432 0077.
If you’d like this information in an alternative format, please let us know. Visit help article on translations or call us on 0800 432 0077. You can also find out more about accessibility here.
Social value is a way to measure the impact of our projects. The social value calculator, used across the housing sector, enables us to quantify the value of things such as support for wellbeing and mental health, and to measure the unseen financial value of our services to the people and communities who have used them.
*Terms and conditions apply.