Benefits are changing to Universal Credit

15 July 2024 - Services
The government is ending some benefits and Tax Credits and replacing them with Universal Credit.
a person using a calculator while making some notes

Universal Credit is a new benefit for working aged people who are either out of work or in work but on a low wage.

We’re letting you know about this change because The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is writing to customers who are affected to tell them to make a claim for Universal Credit.

Please look out for the letter, which is called a Migration Notice, as the move to Universal Credit from your current benefit won’t happen automatically.

Not everyone will get their Migration Notice letter at the same time as they are being posted in batches by the Department of Work and Pensions over the next 12 months.

Please don’t ignore your Migration Notice letter as it explains what you need to do next. It also sets out the date by which you need to claim Universal Credit.

Don’t act until you receive your Migration Notice Letter You do not need to take any action until you receive your Migration Notice – claiming before you receive your letter may result in a loss of benefits.

Support available

If you want some help with your Universal Credit application or you are concerned about managing your income until you receive your first payment, there is support available.

We’re here to help

Our trained advisors can help you understand how Universal Credit may affect you and also help you get online. They also provide support with a range of money issues, including claiming benefits.

You can contact them in the following ways:

  • Email us:

  • Call us 0800 432 0077

Watch our video which explains what to do if you get a Migration Notice

Frequently asked questions (Q&As)

We’ve put together some short Q&As below to provide more information on the queries we have received. But if you’ve received your Migration Notice letter, please visit to read more detailed information on what to do next.

What is Universal Credit?

Universal Credit is a benefit for working aged people who are working, looking for work, unable to work due to illness, disability, or caring responsibilities. Universal Credit will combine 6 benefits into one single payment.

The benefits that are being replaced are:

  • Housing Benefit

  • Working Tax

  • Credit Child Tax Credit

  • Employment and Support Allowance

  • Income Support

  • Job Seekers Allowance

What happens after you claim?

  • Your housing benefit and other benefits will stop.

  • You may be entitled to a 2-week run on.

  • Please accept your claim commitments. All applicants must do this.

  • You will receive your first payment 5 weeks from your claim date.

  • Your Housing Costs will be paid to you. You’ll need to make arrangements to pay your rent every month.

What if I am unable to make a claim by the deadline?

If you miss the deadline stated in your migration letter, your benefits will end. If you are unable to make the deadline because you need more time to obtain advice or get the information needed, you can ask for an extension by calling the DWP Migration Helpline: 0800 169 0328.

I’ve not received a migration letter, should I make a claim?

No. Please do not make a claim before you receive your migration notice.  If you claim before you receive your letter, you will not be entitled to any transitional protection (to ensure that you are not financially worse off).

Do I need to claim Transitional Protection separately?

No – if you make a successful claim before the deadline and entitlement to transitional protection will be applied to your claim automatically.