Crawley residents join our community day

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On Wednesday, 17 April we held a community day at Geraint Thomas House South, Crawley.

Group of A2Dominion staff standing together

Over 25 local customers attended the event, which provided an opportunity for them to meet a range of staff from housing management, employment, and environmental departments.

Our repairs team, Pyramid Plus, were also on hand to carry out on-the-spot minor repairs, and Just Ask Estate Services organised bulk refuse collections for customers. 

Our Charity of the Year, UKHarvest, joined the event too, bringing supplies of rescued fruit, vegetables and pastries. They shared information on the services they provide and volunteering opportunities they have available to the community. 

Donna Martin, Community Engagement and Events Manager at UKHarvest, said: “It was a great opportunity to meet A2Dominion residents, promote our West Sussex County Council funded Crawley Community Food Hub and volunteering opportunities, and share quality surplus food with those who may be struggling at Geraint Thomas House South. 

“The food went down a treat and it was lovely to engage with local families to hear their stories, many of whom are being impacted by the cost-of-living crisis.

“A2Dominion and their maintenance contractors did a wonderful job of supporting the residents with repairs on the day and providing a listening ear to resolve some of the deeper issues that residents are facing.”

This is one of many events we hold in our communities to ensure customers have an opportunity to reach out and get help where needed.